Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fun with interactive Mona Lisa

Ok, Ok, this is what you do when you don't have homework... And is it fun!
My website had this on it and I couldn't resist sharing it with you. Thanks to a facial features generator, you can see what Mona Lisa would look like with a different expression on her face, and frankly, it is really too much fun not to play with.


The interactive Mona Lisa - Mona Lips-synch - Exhibition Images in Paris - Cité des Sciences, France


oregoncelticlady said...

Hey, when is your birthday? Mine is Nov. 27th. I am feeling a party buddy thing here. Are you married? You don't mention a significate other....

coastalcutie2000 said...

My big day is Dec.4. I am separated. Woo Hoo, could use a party~~

The Village Idiot said...

Ha-ay! Wo-oh!
(sorry, the kids had Will Smith going loudly and I needed to sing along.)

Rock on,
the idiot

(congrats on the math class and on acing the others, btw :-)

coastalcutie2000 said...

What Will Smith stuff were you listening to?