Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm Still in My Jammies...

Well, I just have to take a break from the world...

It's almost 4:00 in the afternoon, I am still in my jammies, grinding at this computer.
~~~ again~~~. I have been at it since 9:30 this morning, and frankly, I am losing my mind!
Been writing a paper for my philosophy class, my explanation of Hinduism. Yeah, right. MY views of Hinduism! I have been trying to condense 26 pages of handwritten notes into 3 or 4 typewritten pages on the subject. I am basically parroting a long-winded professor on a long-winded religion. Good thing I am not a Hindu, ~~~ Karma would have my butt back in my next life as a toad! Or a blade of grass. Something equally fathomless; for all the terrible thoughts I have been having about the whole thing.

But then, whoever God is, is gonna get me for a lotta things in my life!

Take Spongebob Squarepants fruit snacks.

Whoever the idiot was who invented that whole transvestite, whiney, repulsive (do you detect a theme yet?) idea of this cartoon should come back as a greasy spot on the sidewalk that dogs lap at and an occasional cat pees on. But during my torture at the computer console, I have been going through little bags of fruit snacks, taking an almost perverse pleasure in biting their little heads off... They're not tasty. Lord knows why I have eaten 3 of them so far. But weird times call for weird measures. and as stated before, I fear I will be lose my mind long before this paper is completed. I got the box from the food bank I volunteer at 2 days a week.My kids won't eat them. I should be putting them to a good use, like throwing at the noisy neighbors in the apartment downstairs from my balcony!

But I digress.

Classes are almost half over, and this is just the first of many papers I will have to write. We're heading for Buddhism next. Wonder what earthly delights I will be able to find to occupy my time for that paper!?....


oregoncelticlady said...

Philosophy.....*HACK*! Totally invented and perpetrated by people with far too much time on their hands! Time to think about thinking???? Good goddess, what is that! Hang in there, my friend and don't kill yourself on those papers. My experience has been that I always went way over the top on philosophy papers. I would lend you mine but they are all philosophies as they relate to education.
I really hate Sponge Bob!

coastalcutie2000 said...

Hello woman,
Sorry for the weirdness of late. I can't wait to hear more about your trip, since I have to live vicariously through other people who actually HAVE lives, heeee...

I am suffering from teenaged angst right now, and frankly I wish my teens would get through it already!!! My son has made it his life's work to be contrary! He is making me crazy, pushing everyone to their limits just to see if he can get away with it. It is affecting everyone, including my daughter, who has made it Her life's work to pound on her brother! I need a drink (too bad I don't drink...)

oregoncelticlady said...

Put your fingers in your ears, smile sweetly and say lalalalalala! It makes them crazy!