Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hello All!

Well, the world is just whizzing by, and the year is almost over. Do you know where it went!?

My semester is finally almost over, and exhaustion is setting in fast. I am still unsure if I will need to take algebra over or not, but don't care any more. I have tried my %$^#@est to get good grades in this class, and it seems to have been for nothing, 'cause I'm yet on the razor's edge between passing and failing. Serious thought should be given to just bombing and redoing the blasted class. At least I would have an idea of what to expect next time. The rest of my courses are in the bag, though! Straight "A"s there. Thank goodness for one positive...

Monday is my cake day. Are there other old-as-dirt Sagittarians out there? Anyone know a really great chocolate cake recipe? Or a chocolate mint recipe for anything... Wink, yum!!!

Hope your world is treating you well!


Sweeti said...

How about substituting coarsely chopped Andes mints for chocolate chips in cookies? Yummmm.

Happy Cake Day on Monday Ann, I could come up with many chocolate cake recipes. Any preferences to what type of recipe?

coastalcutie2000 said...

The cookies sound like just the ticket!
Thanks for the congrats. I don't have birthdays anymore... Cake day sounds so much better!


oregoncelticlady said...

I much perfer Chocolate Martini Day!!! *laugh*