Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where'd They Come Up With That?

Today was a really lazy day.
Let me tell you, this vacation stuff has some advantages.
I was feeling less than merry today, and went blog surfing to see what the rest of the world does in its spare time. I can tell you, there are some REALLY unusual stuff out there.
I saw a lot of depressed people spewing angst to the world
I saw some religious sites
I saw a couple of anti-religious sites
I read (and copied) a lot of recipes!

But by far the most unique site I found was Stuff on my Cat. Yeah, it was simply different things placed on their cats! Amazing what people find to be entertaining...

I hope everyone had an equally stress-fee day amidst all the holiday bustle.

Take care all!

1 comment:

oregoncelticlady said...

STUFF ON MY CAT is my favorite!!!! Can't wait to get a camera on the cell phone...the cat will be sooo unhappy!!!
So, what about the anti-depressant religious sites *laugh*?!?!?!?