Monday, July 30, 2007

The truth is out there

Well, I finally went and got myself some answers and thankfully now know I am not just crazy!

I've been not feeling all that terrific for a while now, but I thought it was simply stretching myself too thin with school, taking care of kids, the usual grind. Turns out I am not just overextended: I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but at least I know I am not out of my mind. But it took months of arguing with the doctors to figure it out. I hate that there are still old farts out there that think women are simply faking it or looking for attention, or some other such claptrap. I am glad I didn't give in, and at least I finally got heard, so now I can start looking up the treatments.

So I may be a little slow on the draw when it comes to posting, but I hope you will be patient. I don't have a huge following in the world, that's true, but thanks to those who do come and visit once in a while. I could really use a friendly word once in a while, it gets lonely in this little corner of the galaxy! Nite all.


Sweeti said...

Hmmm, i'm on the journey to better health too, I'm still not convinced they have truly diagnosed me correctly but hopeful. Damn, we're complex. huh?

coastalcutie2000 said...

I hope you remember to take care of yourself, and if you don't agree with the doctors, then tell them so! You know your body better than anyone.
I will keep you in my prayers.

oregoncelticlady said...

Well, we do fake it but not at the doctor's office and it is never our fault when we have to!!!! *laugh*

It is always comforting to know something is something! I spent the mornign in the ER after my principal called the ambulance for chest pain. Turns out I have a very healthy heart AND a raging case of Pleursy!!!! =(

Glad to be back to you and blogging!