Saturday, August 02, 2008

Did anyone catch where the summer has gone?

I can't believe it is August already! We moved into a new house not too long ago, complete with pear and apple trees that I can't wait to harvest. Oh, and I planted a litle garden, too. I'm all registered for the fall semester, anxiously awaiting that. But I didn't completely take the summer off. The Kerf is ready to publish, save for a couple of contracts, and I am very excited about that. The book has been an ongoing love of mine for 4 years now, and it only serves to inspire me to follow my own personal dreams while I am granting those of the people we publish.

I hope all is well with you, too! Please feel free to leave me comments about your life. I miss the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! draft


Sweeti said...

Hello PCM, Just stopping by while I had a moment between the office and the grandkids.
I hope all is well.

coastalcutie2000 said...

Hello Sweeti!
What a pleasant surprise! How is the Summer treating you? How are you feeling? Be sweet, stay healthy and keep smiling!

STAG said...

Just thought I would check in. How goes the fall semester?

oregoncelticlady said...

YOU WROTE A BOOK!?!?!?!? Geez, I am behind!!!

coastalcutie2000 said...

Of sorts, just a silly little thing, really, but I did it all myself!

coastalcutie2000 said...

Hello Bill,
Thanks for the drop by. I just finished a bust for my new class, have to set up the pics to post now. She is literally sitting in my garage drying as we speak. I also have a ton of drawings to post, once I get a minute to format those pics, too...