Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014/365 Day Art Challenge, day 24

I have decided that even though I may not create art every day, that doesn't mean I'm not being creative. Like today. Today I work at my local community college, creating our annual poetry book, the Kerf. I love poetry if you didn't know that, and the Kerf is one of  my absolute passions. This is my tenth edition I am very proud to say! This year should be a good one, because the professor I work with has some very enthusiastic students in his creative writing class, and he is getting recruits for our publication from them. Its nice when there are lots of participants, varied opinions are always better than just a couple. Needless to say, I am very excited.

I also spent part of the day with my daughter separating and re-potting some succulents that I want to use to make dish gardens. They sell very well at our local farmer's market, especially if you make the containers to put the gardens into. I am also planning to make some miniature figures and Oriental Spirit Houses from clay to put into potted gardens or terrariums. I am looking forward to stocking my ETSY site with lots of fun stuff.

And finally, (now I don't feel so bad) being creative doesn't always have to involve making new things. I took a page from my friend Took Gallagher (,) and stood back to look at the big picture. She has been putting up shelves recently to showcase some of her art and collections. I think that is really creative, too! So even if I am doing research or potting plants, or working on poetry~~ or doing art in all its various forms, I can feel like I am still being creative.

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