Thursday, May 29, 2014

2014/365 Day Art Challenge, I've been making a Garden!

True, gardening may not produce a piece of art. That is, unless you don't consider a perfect tomato or a sweet pepper or perfectly seasoned food to be a work of art. I do. And so this week I've actually been very creative! My son came to visit from Arizona, and he (being the sweetheart that he is) started the visit by updating and expanding my wee little back yard garden. First he built a hoop-house over one of the boxes, so I have a mini greenhouse now. Then he came a couple of days later with yet another box, and all the dirt, seeds and plants to fill it and then some! It was pre-made, and it still astounds me that he got it in the car in one piece! It was something like a clown car, the box just kept coming! It was Really funny to watch as he muscled it out.

My yard has tripled its gardening capacity, and I am so blessed! The list of foods now in my back yard is long, and will provide well into the season, with more for preserving and canning.

Tonight I will be picking up more of my pieces that were finally glaze fired, so I will post photos of them tonight. Have a wonderful day!
Tomato already has flowers!
Turnips, Carrots, Shallots and a pot of strawberries!
Potato bed after harvesting one plant, with my garlic in background. It's ready to harvest, too!

The newest bed! Planted with root veggies, herbs,  and spinach
Inside the hoop-house
Herbs in pots next to my trees. Yummmmmm!

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