Monday, July 14, 2014

2014/365 Day Art Challenge, sure IS challenging!

Well, It would seem I am at a loss. It sounded like a good idea, to get out some of the other materials that are all over the house, and start practicing something besides clay. There are paints and pencils of all kinds and lots of papers and canvasses to play with. Not only that, I really WANT to paint, even though it is Definitely NOT my strong suit. Its hard to describe: The urge is like an itch that just won't go away! Started out by doing the watercolor backgrounds in several colors, not painting but allowing the paints to go where they would; to test the paper. Then came samples of watercolor pencils and solid color sticks, to learn about the properties of each item. I've even started a watercolor painting a couple of days ago, although the thing is laughable. Who cares?! This is practice. I hadn't got to landscape painting or drawing at AAU. Nothing wrong with being self taught! I have three good books to guide me, and I did do a bit of watercolors at AAU, so it seems the logical place to start. I may show you the finished painting, but no laughing! More soon.

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