Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So, there were the Olympics, the Perseid s were just darting across the night skies, all kinds of news and events in the world, including a controversial vice presidential candidate for Mutt Romney... yet my little corner of the world still seems small and uneventful. Which is OK, I mean, I am a simple person. There is a little garden in the back yard that is on the verge of being ready to harvest, a new semester to look forward to, a community ed ceramics course that I love, this year's edition of the Kerf is done and at the printers, so there is contentment here. I have been creating again, and it is a delight. It doesn't sound like much, though, when put down in writing. I guess there aren't too many people out there who lead truly exciting lives~~or if they do they are too busy to post on blogs about it. Heck, maybe they are just in different areas, and have to be looked for... Do you ever wonder what there is out there in the world that you might miss?


STAG said...

Oh, I don't know Anne, I expect that your life is as eventful as anybody's. You have much to be thankful for, and you got it all through your own efforts.

Most people lead lives which are frantic and barely in control. You have chosen the peaceful option, and are the envy of most of the world.

Of course, now is the time to avoid any possibility of a Lucy Jordan moment, and see about shaking things up. A tour with the Peace Corps, or failing that, a half day once a week at the local food bank or soup kitchen.

When I find myself at loose ends, I drop into the veteran's centre...a government run old age home, and play some cards with the old guys.
They know the value of peace.

coastalcutie2000 said...

I think that my favorite portion of this blog is the voice of Reason I so often find ~~ and often to my surprise it has been there all along! Thank you for reminding me just how lucky I am, because I TRULY am lucky to be where I want to be in the world! I will never be rich or famous, but that is because I don't want to be. There are far worse things in life to be than happy!!!