Sunday, April 06, 2014

2014/365 Day Art Challenge, Sunday April 6th

I sincerely hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. A lot of good TV shows air tonight. It is very exciting to think about! My weekend ended on a more somber note than I would've liked, but life is what life is. There is lots of good food in the fridge, but I will have to freeze a portion of it. There is simply more than I can possibly eat. That just means easy dinners for several days!

 I made 10 new ornaments today. Mostly Stars this time, with a snowflake thrown in for fun. So I have more than 30 made, not too shabby! I got several loads of laundry done, too, a nice spring cleaning and I planted a couple of potatoes in the bed that had sprouted in the bin. Turned my mattress, too, but unfortunately broke the cover to the light on the ceiling when I did. I have to go buy a new one tomorrow. Oh well. Tonight I am tired, so I will post and make it an early night. Goodnight all!

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